What are the tips for traveling on a budget?

tips for traveling

One of the biggest obstacles to travel is of course the budget. Under the pretext that your bank account is not in great shape, should you deprive yourself of holidays? The answer is no, of course! Even if traveling necessarily represents an expense, it is possible to reduce it as much as possible without cutting (too much) on the quality of your trip.

We have gathered for you all our good plans for traveling on a tight budget. Often, these are tips from the personal experience of the ACS team, because yes, we do not only work in travel insurance, we also like to travel! Our advice is broken down into major expense items: Transport, Accommodation, Food, On-site activities and Health, to better help you save money.

Plane ticket

That’s it, you’ve decided where you’re going to spend your next vacation – or you’ve just decided that you’ve had enough of the daily grind and absolutely have to take a little getaway. The first question that arises then is: but how am I going to get there?

The plane is an essential means of transport for travel, especially for distant destinations, and it represents a large part of your travel budget. However, there are some tricks to reduce the cost.

Be patient and persistent!

Finding the cheapest ticket takes time, you will have to sit in front of your computer and be ready to spend a good couple of hours in front of the flight comparators. These sites are super useful, because they will give you an order of prices from which you can calculate a first travel budget.

However, we recommend that you not only rely on comparators, but then go to the airlines’ own sites where you will sometimes find better prices. Some companies offer special offers for young travelers between the ages of 18 and 25, for example, or reduced prices if you travel frequently or if you have a loyalty card.

Some bank cards also allow you to accumulate points or miles to be used to reduce the price of your plane tickets.

Finally, also consider consulting the sites of good deals such as private sales, which can sometimes hold nice surprises.

Beware of excessively attractive prices!

A word of warning: in your quest for the cheapest plane ticket, beware of scams, and in particular “tickets-ultimately-not-so-economical-as-that” sold by unofficial or “low-cost” sites. “. The attractive price displayed at the start is often doubled or even tripled as you progress through the process.and that it is necessary to add the luggage, the expenses of file, even of payment (sometimes the advantageous price is available ONLY if you are in possession of such or such credit card…). Also beware of small pre-ticked boxes that will weigh down your final bill. For example, perhaps you have already taken out travel insurance elsewhere, so it is not necessary to be insured twice for the same thing, and presto! A few euros won. Often, the travel insurance offered when buying your plane ticket is quite expensive, and you can easily find a cheaper and equally effective option elsewhere (quite randomly, around here! )

Change (slightly) destination

What if the ticket price is way too high? Traveling in budget mode also means knowing how to be flexible and sometimes changing destination can save you several tens of euros. Low-cost airlines, for example, only connect with certain cities. If you decide to visit Andalusia, but flying to Seville is far too expensive, why not fly to Malaga and then take a bus (very cheap in Spain) to reach your final destination? Finding flights from secondary airports is often more economical . Nevertheless, remember to take into account in your calculations the cost of intermediate transport to reach these airports (price of the shuttle or taxi for example)

Be flexible

If we had only one advice to give you to find the cheapest plane ticket, it would be this: be flexible!

Having a certain flexibility on the dates is a great advantage in order to find the most interesting plane tickets – more difficult when you only have the weekend free, we grant it to you. However, try to favor off-peak periods and the week, such as leaving on Thursday instead of Friday, and returning on Monday morning instead of Sunday evening. More original but apparently equally effective, superstitious dates, such as Friday the 13th, can have some good surprises in store for you!

In the same spirit, adding a short stopover to your route can allow you to lower the price of your plane ticket. Finally, be also flexible on the schedules! So yes, it’s much more comfortable to travel at a decent hour, but oh, a €30 ticket to Milan, 6am departure? We take ! Then it will leave you more time to visit …

One of the biggest obstacles to travel is of course the budget. Under the pretext that your bank account is not in great shape, should you deprive yourself of holidays? The answer is no, of course! Even if traveling necessarily represents an expense, it is possible to reduce it as much as possible without cutting (too much) on the quality of your trip.

We have gathered for you all our good plans for traveling on a tight budget. Often, these are tips from the personal experience of the ACS team, because yes, we do not only work in travel insurance, we also like to travel! Our advice is broken down into major expense items: Transport, Accommodation, Food, On-site activities and Health, to better help you save money.

That’s it, you’ve decided where you’re going to spend your next vacation – or you’ve just decided that you’ve had enough of the daily grind and absolutely have to take a little getaway. The first question that arises then is: but how am I going to get there?

The plane is an essential means of transport for travel, especially for distant destinations, and it represents a large part of your travel budget. However, there are some tricks to reduce the cost.

Be patient and persistent!

Finding the cheapest ticket takes time, you will have to sit in front of your computer and be ready to spend a good couple of hours in front of the flight comparators. These sites are super useful, because they will give you an order of prices from which you can calculate a first travel budget.

However, we recommend that you not only rely on comparators, but then go to the airlines’ own sites where you will sometimes find better prices. Some companies offer special offers for young travelers between the ages of 18 and 25, for example, or reduced prices if you travel frequently or if you have a loyalty card.

Some bank cards also allow you to accumulate points or miles to be used to reduce the price of your plane tickets.

Finally, also consider consulting the sites of good deals such as private sales, which can sometimes hold nice surprises.

Beware of excessively attractive prices!

A word of warning: in your quest for the cheapest plane ticket, beware of scams, and in particular “tickets-ultimately-not-so-economical-as-that” sold by unofficial or “low-cost” sites. “. The attractive price displayed at the start is often doubled or even tripled as you progress through the process.and that it is necessary to add the luggage, the expenses of file, even of payment (sometimes the advantageous price is available ONLY if you are in possession of such or such credit card…). Also beware of small pre-ticked boxes that will weigh down your final bill. For example, perhaps you have already taken out travel insurance elsewhere, so it is not necessary to be insured twice for the same thing, and presto! A few euros won. Often, the travel insurance offered when buying your plane ticket is quite expensive, and you can easily find a cheaper and equally effective option elsewhere (quite randomly, around here! ) .

Change (slightly) destination

What if the ticket price is way too high? Traveling in budget mode also means knowing how to be flexible and sometimes changing destination can save you several tens of euros. Low-cost airlines, for example, only connect with certain cities. If you decide to visit Andalusia, but flying to Seville is far too expensive, why not fly to Malaga and then take a bus (very cheap in Spain) to reach your final destination? Finding flights from secondary airports is often more economical . Nevertheless, remember to take into account in your calculations the cost of intermediate transport to reach these airports (price of the shuttle or taxi for example).

In the same spirit, adding a short stopover to your route can allow you to lower the price of your plane ticket. Finally, be also flexible on the schedules! So yes, it’s much more comfortable to travel at a decent hour, but oh, a €30 ticket to Milan, 6am departure? We take ! Then it will leave you more time to visit …

Other means of transport

The plane is certainly the fastest means of transport to travel, but also the most expensive! If you really want to travel on a budget, you have other slower and more economical solutions.

This is the great emerging trend in Europe! Well known in other destinations such as Asia or Latin America, the coach is a very economical and safe means of transport in Europe. Most bus companies now offer interesting services such as the choice of seat, a power outlet, a wifi network, unlimited baggage weight… often for a derisory price! Discover the new trend in coach travel .

Always on the roads, on fairly short journeys, it is possible to carpool. In addition to being green and economical, you’ll keep a driver company and (maybe!) have a good time. Increasingly widespread and trivialized thanks to applications like Blablacar, carpooling is a good way to get around at a lower cost.

certainly the fastest means of transport to travel, but also the most expensive! If you really want to travel on a budget, you have other slower and more economical solutions.

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